“Yes, that is certainly Me.”

“Lord, do any of the gods of the world’s religions fit You correctly?”

Some—many—come pretty close.

“Lord, is the God of the Old Testament one of the accurate depictions?”

Yes, that is certainly Me.  And that is what I was like at that time.  I led you to the Miles book because that is something he got right.  Much else he got wrong—such as his reading of Job.

I had read and liked Jack Miles’ award-winning book, God: A Biography.  Though a trained theologian, Miles reads the Bible as a work of literature in which God is the main character.  That may sound as if it would fail to do justice to scripture, but in fact it enables him to avoid the worries that theologians and historians usually bring to it.  He just lets the text—and the character of God—speak for itself.

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