Watch videos from Dr. Jerry L. Martin on spirituality, philosophy, and the messages he received through his conversations with God, and reported in God: An Autobiography, As Told To A Philosopher. Enjoy videos on spiritual autobiographies, prayer, philosophical dialogues, and interviews.
Check out the podcast- on video!
Hear from actor and show host Scott Langdon on the spiritual podcast God: An Autobiography, the Podcast. Enjoy several special series made for the philosophical and spiritual community!
Videos from Dr. Jerry L. Martin
Watch videos with deep insight and wisdom straight from the author and agnostic philosopher who recorded his conversations with God in God: An Autobiography, As Told To A Philosopher.
Why Is God Hiding?
God, Are You Listening?
God, What About Sin?
God Centered Prayer
Videos from God: An Autobiography, The Podcast
Watch clips from the dramatic adaptation and God: An Autobiography, The Podcast- a continued conversation of spiritual development and God beyond religion with interviews, dialogues, and special guests.
On The Path
The Marshes
The Ocean
Video Series: What's Your Spiritual Autobiography?
Interviews with readers of God: An Autobiography, with fascinating guests, interesting and inspiring people with incredible journeys.
With Mark Groleau
With Joel Weiner
With Matt Cardin
With Ajit Dass
Prefer To Listen?
Prefer To Read?
God: An Autobiography, As Told To A Philosopher: Chapter One