Pure energy:
Later I was told more about God at the Beginning.
Before I was a Person, I was around “for a long time.”
First there was Nothingness, not just empty space—there was no space and time either. Out of Nothingness I erupted, “created” Myself.
“At that point, I was just pure energy, pure creative force, pure Being, Being itself.
Space and time were created as a result of my Being. They were the frames of My existence. The physical universe spun out of Me by My overflowing.
“I am the to-be of all things… not yet a Person… not yet self-aware. I was amorphous energy flowing out radically in all directions.
(Before Creation) I am pure spirit, sufficient unto Myself, and have no “body.” And I did not exist in a world with physical bodies.
“I felt I was lacking something—grounding, facticity, the blunt materiality, the standing-against, the hard edge to push oneself against, the resistance and friction that physical objects have. So, out of my Being, a world was spun.”
Listen to more about God and energy on God: An Autobiography, The Podcast. The dramatic adaptation and continuing discussion of the book God: An Autobiography, As Told To A Philosopher by Jerry L. Martin.