Looking for God:
One day I learned more about God’s story when I asked simply, “Where should I begin today, Lord?”
Ask yourself what I am looking for.
Well, yes, but what is that love?
“Interaction, communication, understanding?”
Yes! I long to be recognized, to be understood, and then to be taken in.
I wondered why a great being like God would need to be loved by mere mortals. “Why does that matter to You, Lord? You’ve got it all, just being God.”
That is silly. This is what I am. I am like a function looking for a variable…only half the equation.
I looked for a humbler analogy. “Like cement looking for bricks to hold together?”
“Is that connection only what You need or is it also what the world needs?”
Both, obviously. In your analogy, the world is like the bricks that need to be held together.
“But, Lord, I sense that Your yearning is not just a factual incompleteness, like needing a pair of gloves.”
Yes, it is a deep internal dynamic that drives Me forward to do the things I do. I unfurl the world and call forth life and send signals to people. Listen, and feel.
“The feeling that comes to me is Your desire to call into being a corresponding being. It seems a lot like the dialectic of self and other in Hegel. Subjectivity desires to objectify itself, as it does in artifacts, and to subjectivize the surrounding world, as it does in interpretation, and, even higher, to encounter another subjectivity.”
I am a Person, searching for …
“That’s what I wonder, Lord. I can’t quite imagine what You are searching for. Just interaction? That seems too limited and, in a sense, too easy.”
It is not just looking for company. Perhaps speaking of loneliness is misleading. Why does a human being look for love?
It is not just for company. That is companionship, not love. You want to pour yourself, your concern, your destiny into another person. And you want them to respond in kind, to understand and recognize and sympathize with and care about you, (and) to share your life story, so that I becomes we.
And the result is not just good feelings or good times; it is ontological, it is virtually molecular. You know that, because you have experienced it. Imagine how puny your love is (not to belittle it, but just for comparison) compared to Mine.
What is barely ontological or molecular in your case is fully so in Mine.
The constitution of the universe is altered by My love and My being loved.
You can’t just say “God so loved the world …” Love is a two-way street. Anything unilateral is merely an effort at love, not its fulfillment, not its achievement.
You could tell My story, one version of it at least, through the history of love.
What has love meant and been over time? From Abraham’s love for his wife and his son and his God, through the Ramayana and the compassionate Buddha and Jesus and Plato’s philosophy as eros toward wisdom, to Christian chivalry and Buber’s I-Thou—these are stages that reflect My development and My interaction with human beings.
Looking for God?
Listen to this on God: An Autobiography, The Podcast– the dramatic adaptation and continuing discussion of the book God: An Autobiography, As Told To A Philosopher by Jerry L. Martin.
He was a lifelong agnostic, but one day he had an occasion to pray. To his vast surprise, God answered- in words. Being a philosopher, he had a lot of questions, and God had a lot to tell him.