Read God: An Autobiography, As Told To A Philosopher- the true story of philosopher Dr. Jerry L. Martin and his conversations with God.
Dr. Jerry L. Martin was a lifelong agnostic. But one day, he had occasion to pray. To his vast surprise. God answered- in words. Being a philosopher, God had a lot to tell him.
Read God: An Autobiography
As Told To A Philosopher

Supported by a global audience and diverse community of seekers, the podcast launched the dramatic adaptation with actor Scott Langdon, producing a continued discussion on spiritual development and God beyond religion, including interviews, dialogues, reactions, and special episodes.
Explore God: An Autobiography, As Told To A Philosopher
Insights from God: An Autobiography
Theology Without Walls
A Transreligious Imperative
Twenty-one scholars explore the different avenues new theological thinking open up. Including sympathetic critics, the collection taken as a whole is much stronger than any single essay read apart. Together, they make a powerful case for the importance and potential of Theology Without Walls.
Theology Without Walls is a cooperative, constructive, trans-religious theological project that aims to understand the nature of ultimate reality. Evidence and insight of ultimate reality is not limited to a single tradition. People who engage in serious study beyond their own tradition frequently find revelation, enlightenment, or insight into ultimate reality in multiple traditions. Therefore, theology should be based on evidence and insights from multiple traditions.
Articles | Magazine | Academia
The Scandal Of Divine Presence | VoegelinView
The Soul Of An Animal
The Good Men Project
Contributions From Dr. Jerry L. Martin
A Professional Man in a Secular World Collides with God
12 Life and Love Lessons Dad Didn’t Teach Me
Philosopher Jerry L. Martin discovers that Dad’s best lessons were the ones he didn’t teach.
He and I Were Lovers But I Didn’t Know It
Philosopher Jerry L. Martin discovers not all love relationships are sexual.
From God: An Autobiography, As Told To A Philosopher

“A must read for anyone who is seeking or looking to build a deeper relationship with God.”
“Anyone looking to deepen his or her spirituality, or just contemplate the mystery of existence, will find this a fascinating read – both a page-turner, and, potentially, a life-changer.”
“A must read for anyone interested in mysticism and philosophy of religion.”
“This work has the potential to be the most influential book in our time. It exudes spiritual authenticity as it is well-grounded in human experience. It advances a way to embrace spirituality in oneself. As your own experience, the work is anchored in our time, our experience.” – Celeste Colgan, Ph.D. (English), former Deputy Chairman, National Endowment for the Humanities